I think that I got a bum root canal treatment. I had been reading about how not to worry about it because it’s a simple procedure but I have pain behind my ear on the same side as the tooth that had the infection. I went to an endodontist to be sure that I wouldn’t have no problems with it. The pain is not really all the time but every now and then during the day there is this sharp pain behind my ear. What can I do if the root canal didn’t work? – Tony P from Tennessee
Tony – It is possible for a root canal treatment to fail, but it might not be true in your case. Jaw or tooth problems can present themselves with pain behind the ear.
Regardless of the care that a dentist takes to clear the root of infections, there are times where all of the pathways cannot be reached. In those cases, a root canal treatment might not be successful. In rare cases, even an endodontist (root canal specialist) performs a root canal that fails.
You didn’t indicate how long it has been since you received the root canal treatment, but usually there are no symptoms of failure until an infection develops, which may take three to six months or longer.
It is best to return to the endodontist for him or her to exam your tooth to determine if it is the source of your pain. If infection is present, the endodontist will determine if another root canal treatment is required, if surgery is needed to access the root tip from the outside so it can be sealed, or if the tooth should be extracted and replaced with a dental implant or a dental bridge.
This blog post is courtesy of New Orleans cosmetic dentist Dr. Duane Delaune of Metairie