Juvederm is an FDA-approved, injectible dermal filler that smooths out facial wrinkles, creases and folds by adding volume and moisture to your skin. In Metairie, Dr. Duane Delaune is certified to provide Juvederm injections.
Juvederm contains hyaluronic acid, a substance that is naturally found in body tissue. Hyaluronic acid absorbs water and hydrates the skin, giving it volume and moisture. As you age, this acid decreases. Juvederm restores the acid in your skin, giving it the volume and moisture to help diminish facial wrinkles, creases and folds. The procedure takes about 15 minutes. Results can be seen immediately, and they last for about eight months to a year.
What to Expect After the Juvederm Treatment
For at least 24 hours after the treatment, you should avoid strenuous exercise, alcohol consumption and extended exposure to the sun or heat. Occasionally tenderness, redness, or bruising are experienced at the injection site, but these are usually mild and clear up within a week.
If you want to maintain the effectiveness of the treatment, you’ll need to repeat it every eight to twelve months.