I recently saw my dentist and he told me I need to have my silver fillings removed and replaced with white fillings. Unless there is something wrong with them, do they need to be replaced? I can’t afford $3600 right now.
– Lisa from Illinois
Over time, fillings will deteriorate and become leaky. Amalgam fillings can even crack or become corroded. Today, may patients are opting for mercury-free composite fillings because of their many advantages over silver or amalgam.
With that said, your dentist shouldn’t be telling you to replace your existing fillings unless there is something wrong with them (i.e. if they are leaking, bacteria can seep into the tooth in the crack between the filling and the tooth causing tooth decay under the filling, which can be serious.)
Sometimes patients want to have all their old silver amalgam fillings taken out and replaced with white fillings; however that is a personal choice to do so. Your dentist shouldn’t try to talk you into something like that.
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