Can root canals save my broken-off front teeth, or will I need a partial denture or a dental bridge? The tooth roots are intact. Thanks. Lyle from SD
It may be possible to salvage a broken front tooth through a root canal procedure, followed by inserting a post and placing a crown. However, this is contingent upon the extent of the tooth fracture and the bite force exerted by your husband. Additionally, the dentist’s willingness to undertake such a procedure is significant. Some dentists prefer dental implants as a more straightforward solution than attempting to save the damaged tooth.
The mechanical intricacies of repairing a fractured front tooth can be challenging. Many dentists may thoroughly understand the predominant rotational forces acting on the tooth. The round root shape and a round post can lead to limited resistance against these forces. Over time, the post can loosen. Inserting two posts into the root can provide greater stability.
Another potential issue that dentists may overlook is the risk of root fracture after placing a tooth post. A rigid post offers superior strength. However, when subjected to tipping forces, the post can transmit these forces deep into the thinner root structure, potentially leading to cracks. Therefore, flexible posts like carbon fiber or fiberglass may reduce the risk.
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