I have had migraines for as long as I can remember. I’ve spent years consulting with my doctor trying to pinpoint a cause of them, but we haven’t been able to find anything specific as far as triggers. The headaches can come on as often as two to three times a week and they are relentless. All I do is hide away in a dark room and pray that my pain medication works. I will do anything to make these things go away and last week I came across some information linking migraines to amalgam fillings. I took this info to my dentist and he dismissed the notion saying there is no specific evidence. Even if there was the slightest chance that I could get some relief by removing my amalgam fillings, I want to do it. The headaches are affecting my quality of life, not to mention my job. I’ve already been written up at work for missing so many days. — Marcia
Migraines can no doubt be debilitating — and frustrating if you can’t pinpoint a cause for them. You’ve brought up a subject that is very much a controversy among dentists these days. The ADA continues to maintain that amalgam fillings are safe, but that hasn’t stopped a growing number of dentists (around half of all in the U.S) who are joining a movement to completely stop using silver/amalgam fillings that contain mercury.
While we know that mercury is toxic, the argument centers more around how much mercury is in these fillings and how much exposure is safe. Most scientists believe that fillings only contain a very small amount and it’s considered safe. Silver fillings have been shown in research to cause several health issues including auto-immune disorders, neurological issues and migraines. There have been a growing number of patients who have improved their health after having amalgam fillings removed. Other countries have even gone so far as to ban the use of mercury fillings.
Even if your dentist does not believe your fillings are the cause of your migraines, it won’t hurt to ask if he would replace them for you. Something else you might consider is a holistic dentist. They focus on not only how teeth work, but also how the body is affected when you have issues with your mouth. A holistic dentist will understand your concerns regarding mercury fillings and will remove them in the safest way possible to ensure the least amount of mercury exposure.
This post is sponsored by New Orleans cosmetic dentist Dr. Duane Delaune. Read more about why many consider Dr. Delaune to be the best dentist in New Orleans.