I got Lumineers placed on 8 teeth upper teeth in 2022. Last July, two of them popped off for no reason. I returned them to my dentist, and she bonded them back at no cost. Last night another one popped off. Fortunately, I was at home this time. The previous times I was in public, and really embarrassed. I can’t return to the same dentist now because I moved over 200 miles away, although I am still in Texas. Why are the Lumineers popping off, and what should I do now? Will I need new Lumineers? Thank you. Dinah from Sumter, SC
Thank you for contacting Delaune Dental in Metairie about your Lumineers. We understand your concerns and the embarrassment of faulty cosmetic dentistry.
Why Are Your Lumineers Popping Off?
A skilled cosmetic can inspect your Lumineers for stability.
If your Lumineers periodically pop off, it is likely because your dentist did not correctly bond them to your teeth. With proper bonding and proper care, porcelain veneers should remain in place for the life of the veneers—15 to 20 years or longer.
In addition to veneers falling off, improper bonding can result in veneers staining, discoloring, and sensitivity in the veneered teeth. Some people experience decay in teeth behind the veneers due to faulty boning techniques.
Schedule an Exam with an Experienced Cosmetic Dentist
It is vital to the longevity of your cosmetic dentistry treatment to find an experienced cosmetic dentist who is skilled with current bonding techniques. Make an appointment with an experienced cosmetic dentist to restore the Lumineer that fell off and examine the others. The dentist will recommend a treatment plan to ensure all your veneers are stable and stop the Lumineers from popping off individually. You should only need new Lumineers if the dentist determines that yours are defective.
Metairie cosmetic dentist Dr. Duane Delaune sponsors this post. Read details about how Dr. Delaune strives to provide some of the best dental care in Metairie.