I’ve had nothing but trouble with my dental implant. Not only were the appointments grueling, but I had bone grafting as well as a problem with my crown resulting in it having to be re-cemented. To top it all off, I had an infection that just wouldn’t go away, so I was on several rounds of antibiotics. I’m finally to the point where the implant feels ok, but I’ve recently noticed a really bad taste in my mouth and my husband now says I have bad breath. Nothing seems to help. Could this bad taste and smell be coming from my implant? My dentist insists that everything is fine and suggested that I watch the foods I am eating and referred me to my doctor. — Lisa in Oakland
It seems like you can’t seem to catch a break in this whole process. It must be so disappointing to invest all that time and money and have to endure so many problems. There’s so much expertise and skill that goes into placing implants…that’s why it’s so important to do your research up front when choosing the best implant dentist.
Go ahead and check with your physician, but you should also seek a second opinion from another implant dentist. The reoccurring infections you have been dealing with could be a sign that there is something wrong. Active infections can cause many of the symptoms you are describing and if ignored and not treated the infection can spread – costing you not only the implant, but even your jaw or something much worse.
A failing implant is not something to brush aside – it’s a very serious issue. Find someone who can get to the root of why you are having these problems. Antibiotics are only a temporary fix until the real problem is addressed and treated. If a proper diagnosis is not made, the infections will continue – and so will the bad smell and taste.
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