I am bulimic but I am in my 7th month of recovery. As you know all of the acid from vomiting has ruined my teeth. Not only are some of my teeth bordering on crumbling they are an awful grayish brown and they are very sensitive to hot and cold food and drink. I talked to my dentist and he is talking about $22,000 for porcelain veneers. That is a huge some of money. I know my teeth are important but I am wondering if something like the snapon smile could work for me. Thank you. – Kari
Kari – As you mentioned, bulimia presents multiple problems with teeth, and those problems go beyond their appearance. A Snap-On Smile will only help with the appearance of your teeth. It will not help to preserve or restore them.
You received the recommendation of porcelain veneers. The acid from vomiting affects the entire tooth—and particularly the back of the tooth—but porcelain veneers will only cover the front of your teeth. You need all-porcelain crowns, and you should receive them from an experienced cosmetic dentist.
When you find a skilled cosmetic dentist, he or she will work with you to restore your smile with porcelain crowns so it looks natural. And the work doesn’t have to be done all at once. Discuss your budget concerns with the dentist to see if he or she is willing to do the work in stages, as you can afford it.
Congratulations on your recovery. We wish you the best on your new smile.
This blog post is sponsored by New Orleans cosmetic dentist Dr. Duane Delaune.