My dentist started a root canal on one of my teeth but she couldn’t finish it because the root was longer than expected. When she used longer files, I had a lot of pain. So she stopped. The office called my insurance company and got approval for me to see an endodontist. Is it really necessary to complete the root canal or can I just get the tooth capped? – Jade
Jade – A root canal treatment is performed because there is an infection in your tooth. In order to ensure that the infection is removed, the entire pulp of the tooth, including the tips of the roots must be cleaned out and sealed off. If you leave the tooth untreated, the infection will linger and there is a possibility of it continuing to spread.
The tooth will need to be protected with a dental crown, frequently called a “cap,” but it’s important to ensure the infection is removed first.
This post is sponsored by New Orleans cosmetic dentist Dr. Duane Delaune, a New Orleans Magazine Top Dentist whom many patients think is the best dentist in New Orleans.