Can I get a refund and dental implant if my new partial denture keeps breaking? After a failed root canal, my dentist agreed to give me a partial denture. I asked my dentist to remove the tooth before the root canal failed, but he wouldn’t listen. The partial denture is uncomfortable and defective. It broke twice, but my dentist wants to charge me for the root canal and the partial. I regret using this dentist, but I want a refund before I switch. How should I handle this? Thanks. Shaunda
We recommend talking to your dentist about his treatment recommendations and your disappointment. Although root canal treatment from any dentist can fail, your dentist failed to give you a functional partial denture.

Dental implant
You have these options to help resolve the issue.
- Contact your insurance company (if applicable) – Tell your dentist you will report the issue to the dental insurance company and follow through. Your insurance company wants to know if they paid for a faulty partial denture.
- Report the issue to your state dental board – The state dental board will investigate the issue, although may not penalize your dentist.
- Leave negative online reviews – Dentists know that patients read online reviews before choosing their practice. Tell your dentist you will leave a negative online review.
Finding a Dentist for Implants
Look for a dentist with post-graduate training in dental implants and restoring them with dental crowns. Some dentists prefer to restore implants only and refer patients to an oral surgeon or periodontist for implant surgery, which is fine. A dentist skilled in aesthetics can perfectly match your implant crown with your surrounding teeth. Schedule consultations with two implant dentists to discuss your treatment options.
Dr. Duane Delaune of Metairie, Louisiana, sponsors this post. Read why Dr. Delaune’s patients consider him one of the best dentists in town.