I have old dental crowns that look horrible. I’d like to get veneers and am told that the Lumineers brand can go over dental crowns. Would I be a candidate for this? How do I go about finding a dentist to do it?
Dear Everett,
Above you will see an advertisement Lumineers placed years ago marketing this very concept. While I am certain you will be able to find a dentist to do this for you, what I’d like you to do is go over the information I’m about to provide and ask yourself if that’s what you want. First, let’s talk a little bit about Lumineers. They are simply one brand of porcelain veneers. This particular brand happens to be highly marketed to inexperienced cosmetic dentists. As a result, those are usually the type of dentists you will find that place them.
Dentists with expertise in cosmetic dentistry almost always prefer other brands. This has more to do with the fact that the company that owns Lumineers, DenMat, requires dentists to use their lab, which is not known for its artistic results. When it comes to getting a beautiful smile, you are better served by finding an expert cosmetic dentist and letting them choose the best brand to give you the results you want.
Should You Put Veneers Over Crowns?
Problem One:
Placing veneers over crowns is going to be bulky looking. If you consider that many patients find Lumineers themselves too bulky, you may find yourself feeling like you have horse teeth.
Problem Two:
There will be bonding issues. It is much more secure when you bond porcelain to natural tooth structure than it is when you bond porcelain to porcelain. This means you are at a greater risk of bonding failure. Additionally, your crowns are getting old. What if the bonding for those fails? Now you have double the risk of bonding failure– One from your old crowns and another from the porcelain veneers being bonded onto the crowns.
The Solution to Old Ugly Dental Crowns
The best thing for you to do is simply replace the crowns you have. An artistic cosmetic dentist can give you a gorgeous smile with dental crowns just as easily as with porcelain veneers. I would look on the mynewsmile.com website and get one of their recommended cosmetic dentists to do this procedure for you. Most of them even have a beautiful smile guarantee.
This blog is brought to you by New Orleans Cosmetic Dentist Dr. Duane Delaune.